
HEAD acoustics expands its portfolio with an award-winning Augmented Reality solution from HoloMetrix
With the ArtemiS SUITE Sound Intensity Module ASM 30, customers of HEAD acoustics measure sound intensities to determine sound power according to ISO 9614 or create sound intensity maps for quick source localization. The software's assistance functions guide even inexperienced users safely through the necessary steps. If a procedure standard requires a measurement grid surrounding the test object, actual physical setups at a high cost have been necessary, making the measurements very time-consuming and complicated. This is often an exclusion criterion, especially for troubleshooters who need to achieve results quickly.
Augmented Reality (AR) makes a physical measurement grid superfluous
The HoloMetrix solution projects a virtual measurement grid onto the screen of the AR glasses and thus overlays the real test object and the measurement probe, whose orientation is based on the measurement grid. In addition, it overlays the sound power of the already measured partial surfaces in color, making acoustic measurements intuitive and time-efficient. The standard-compliant measurement positions are automatically visualized on the AR glasses and no longer have to be determined by the users in a time-consuming manual process. Together with HoloMetrix, HEAD acoustics has developed an interface to the ArtemiS SUITE software. Combined with ArtemiS SUITE, Augmented Reality significantly reduces the setup effort and offers several additional synergy effects. For example, users first configure the test setup in ArtemiS SUITE and transfer it to the AR glasses with one click.
Award-winning innovation
The innovative Frankfurt-based startup HoloMetrix GmbH has developed a software platform for acoustic measurements based on Augmented Reality, which projects the virtual measurement grid in three dimensions in the actual measurement environment. HoloMetrix was honored for this positioning support on May 24, 2022, in Berlin in the presence of HoloMetrix Managing Director Alexander Pfaff and Dr.-Ing. Aulis Telle, Technical Managing Director Sound, Vibration and Perception at HEAD acoustics, with the golden German Innovation Award from the German Design Council in the "Excellence in Business to Business" competition class in the "Machines & Engineering" area. The award honors companies that impress with new, forward-looking technologies, processes, or services.
The Sound Intensity Module of ArtemiS SUITE offers
Even better performance in combination with the HoloMetrix AR solution
HEAD acoustics GmbH是全球领先的声音和振动分析解决方案供应商之一。我们在开发用于测量、分析和优化语音和音频质量的硬件和软件,以及客户订制解决方案和服务方面拥有专业的技术和开拓进取的精神,因此在电信领域获得全球认可。HEAD acoustics的服务范围涵盖技术产品的声音工程、环境噪声调研、语音质量工程、咨询、培训和技术支持。HEAD acoustics 位于亚琛附近,在中国、法国、印度、意大利、日本、韩国、英国、美国设有子公司,并在全球拥有众多销售合作伙伴。