MWC Americas 2018: HEAD acoustics showcases its latest measurement technology for voice and audio quality testing

From September 12th to 14th, 2018 the mobile communication community will once again meet in Los Angeles for this year´s Mobile World Congress Americas. HEAD acoustics, one of the world´s leading companies in the production of powerful software and hardware for optimizing voice and audio quality is also on-site. At the HEAD acoustics booth S. 2618 visitors can assure themselves of the efficient solutions such as the hardware platform labCORE, the high-precision turntable HRT I or VoCAS, the evaluation software for voice recognition systems.
Customer demands for voice and audio quality in mobile phones, headphones, vehicle hands-free systems, in-car communication systems or IoT applications such as smart speaker are constantly increasing. Therefore, these products must be tested on highest demands. The acoustic experts on-site will showcase labCORE, the new multi-channel hardware platform for versatile applications. The modular all-in-one solution offers a new dimension in data acquisition due to its numerous high-end interfaces. On the basis of modular technology, new technologies can be added quickly and easily. Thus, labCORE is designed to be future-proof.
Conduct orientation-dependent acoustic measurements with HRT I
With HRT I (HEAD acoustics Remote-operated Turntable) HEAD acoustics presents a high-precision tool for orientation-dependent acoustic tests. The turntable rotates test objects to specific angles within a 360-degree rotation range, in 0.1-degree steps and with an accuracy of 0.02 degrees. Furthermore, HRT I allows conduction of automated measurements.
Build automated test routines for voice control systems with VoCAS
Voice recognition is another topic at the booth since more and more applications rely this technology for operation. With VoCAS (Voice Control Analysis System), HEAD acoustics provides a turnkey test solution for voice control systems. The efficient and flexible software enables an objective and fast quality assessment of voice control systems under realistic and reproducible test conditions.
HEAD acoustics GmbH是全球领先的声音和振动分析解决方案供应商之一。我们在开发用于测量、分析和优化语音和音频质量的硬件和软件,以及客户订制解决方案和服务方面拥有专业的技术和开拓进取的精神,因此在电信领域获得全球认可。HEAD acoustics的服务范围涵盖技术产品的声音工程、环境噪声调研、语音质量工程、咨询、培训和技术支持。HEAD acoustics 位于亚琛附近,在中国、法国、印度、意大利、日本、韩国、英国、美国设有子公司,并在全球拥有众多销售合作伙伴。