
ArtemiS SUITE Clinic

face to face seminar


One-day course
9:00 AM to 04:30 PM


Target group:

The seminar addresses users who have had some, or even much, experience with ArtemiS SUITE.


Basic knowledge in using ArtemiS SUITE, and the logical structure of ArtemiS SUITE. Beginners are advised to visit the training course Sound and Vibration Analysis with ArtemiS SUITE (basic training).

Seminar Objectives:

This seminar has three parts and three purposes:

A refresher, or revealer, of tips and techniques related to inherent capabilities in the software and its logical control structure enabling enhanced use and convenience.

Comparison/inter-translation between the ArtemiS SUITE Modules and their contents used in software versions through 14 (ASM, codes 5xxx), and the more individualized ones in ArtemiS SUITE 15 and beyond (APR, ASP, ASX, codes 50xxx). Note that ArtemiS Classic can no longer be started as of installation of ArtemiS SUITE 15, as the module structures do not match.

“Office hours” hands-on work/help session, both with the group and individually if requested. Students are encouraged to bring files and projects, and to advise the instructor in advance if material may be shared in the group session or be addressed privately in individual help.


  • Tips and techniques: The Data Cursor: limitations of Windows cursors in multiple simultaneous windows, and how to surmount them by unusual uses of particular ArtemiS SUITE capabilities.
  • Synchronization of scales, windows and cursor modes including Playback Spot.
  • Use and procedures for evaluating multiple analyses at once using preset ordinate scales; 3D and 2D applications.
  • Using hearing and vision together in the interactive environment: balancing time and frequency resolutions, measuring psychoacoustic “complications” as well as conventional metrics to understand integrated perceptions: using evidence and intuition.
  • Graphic measurement of resonances via interactive playback filters
  • Time-controllability of playback audition: real-time, faster, slower, time-frozen – and why and when.
  • Spreadsheet cross-references and clarification of ArtemiS SUITE (through 14) Modules (ASM, code 5xxx) and ArtemiS SUITE 15+ codes 50xxxx.
  • Work-session instructor-student interaction and assistance:
  • Group and individual “office hours”: students to bring files and projects
  • Course PowerPoint(s), files, projects, printed binder, memory stick


Training material is provided in print and as pdf on a USB stick. Notebooks and front ends are available for all participants.

Available at your location for 4 registrations or more.
The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 10. In this way, we guarantee each participant an individual support.

HEAD acoustics, Inc. reserves the right to cancel a scheduled class, at least 5 business days in advance, if fewer than 4 persons are registered. Your method of payment will not be charged in the event of cancellation, or we will request cancellation of your purchase order.

Registration is possible up to 7 days prior, but payment must be received within 5 business days of the scheduled class.




  • 线下培训不接受公开报名,如有需求,请联系本地销售;
  • 为了保持适当的社交距离,每次办公室培训仅限15-20人;
  • 由于名额有限,每家单位每场培训最多只接受2人报名;
  • 培训内容涉及软件操作的,请自行准备笔记本电脑。



国际航运金融大厦 22楼 A室

